R3 |
Calamus SL 2015 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2015 R3 PRG [2015-10-05]
- New: In the Print dialog, the number of copies to print will be reset to 1 when you re-open the dialog. The SET entry #Printers: NumCopies is being ignored.
- New: [677] The Calamus font selector now has a Refresh button which refreshes the content listing of the currently shown directory.
- Fix: [676] After a file has been deleted in the Calamus file selector, its name is no longer shown in the file name edit field.
- Fix: Small dialog adjustments.
- Fix: Buttons which link to web pages on calamus.net, now use HTTPS URLs.
R2 |
Calamus SL 2015 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2015 R2 PRG [2015-04-27]
- New: The Print dialog passes the range of pages for output and the output scale to the PS/PDF output.
- New: The dialog
Options > Virtual Memory can be used again.
- Fix: The dialog
Options > System Paths has been enhanced, now offering paths for Cut'n'Crop Elements and Layer Groups.
- Fix: When creating new documents or text frames, more useful alert messages are shown if the Text Style module or fonts haven't been loaded.
R1 |
Calamus SL 2015 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2015 R1 PRG [2014-11-28]
- New: The Print dialog has new buttons [PDF] + [PS] which directly open the relevant dialogs in Bridge 7 PRO (if the module is loaded).
- New: The dialog
Options > Virtual Memory can no longer be used. The menu entry hasn't been removed in order to not disturb existing keyboard shortcuts.
- New: The dialog
Options > Save Settings has been simplified.
- New: The dialog
Options > System Paths has been simplified.
- New: New info dialog.
- New: New Calamus version number (new modules which cannot be loaded in SL2006).
- New: Documents can still be opened with Calamus SL2006 (+ SL2003).
- New: New matchcodes with code header (e.g.
SL15- ), not usable with older Calamus versions.
- Fix: [518] Text style lists are properly saved in the assigned path for text style lists.
- Fix: [550] The dialog
Options > Fix Document has been simplified.
- Fix: [664] Calamus document pages are properly saved in the assigned path for document pages.
- Fix: When copying or moving frames from or to the clipboard, the copy dialog no longer shows unwanted parameters.
- Fix: The conflict solver for existing file pairs CALAMUS.SET / DEFAULT.SET and CALAMUS.CKT / DEFAULT.CKT has been optimized.
- Fix: Chapter number generation enhanced, especially for large Roman cyphers.
- Fix: Unregistered versions now show the correct program type in the window title on Windows.
- Fix: Many tiny bugfixes and stability enhancements.
Calamus WinPack (Calamus.exe)
– 4.5.0 [2014-11-28]
- New: The Calamus.EXE has been adjusted for CALAMUS 2015.
- New: The gdiprn.DLL has been adjusted for CALAMUS 2015.
- Fix: When quitting the Calamus.EXE (as of Windows 7), it no longer hangs.
- Fix: The Calamus.EXE only uses one processor kernel (the last one).
R8 |
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R8 PRG [2011-06-14]
- New: [93] The Key Bindings dialog has been redesigned and shows all keys in longer terms now. It also shows more lines. The TXT export suggests the file name CALAMUS_CKT.TXT.

- New: [228] Calamus offers other modules the option to call the Move Pages function from the Pages module.
- New: Lite Edition now supports the RTF preview in the Calamus file selector.
- Fix: [578] Internal text rulers and text styles are no longer marked by a leading arrow sign, but by
> .
- Fix: [586] Raster image frame conversion into any color space shows an animated mouse pointer.
- Fix: [595] CDK conversion from double into single pages no longer creates corrupted master page names.
- Fix: [596] Corrupted master page names no longer crash Calmaus when pages are converted to double-page mode.
- Fix: [615] Frame creation mode is finally stored in CALAMUS.SET.
- Fix: Calamus no longer uses LineA (and should therefore work with fVDI and Aranym).
- Fix: The generic Calamus Info dialog uses updated URLs for pointing to modules product and manual pages.
- Fix: More error alerts on full memory.
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R8 SET [2011-06-14]
- Fix: [615] Frame creation mode is finally stored in CALAMUS.SET.
Calamus WinPack (Calamus.exe)
– 4.1.0 [2010-02-21]
- New: The Spooler Timeout value is now set to 99 seconds by default in order to avoid timeouts with color printers and large amounts of data.
- Fix: [630] , [632] Calamus no longer crashes on page output in document windows.
R7 |
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R7 PRG [2008-04-02]
- New: Italienische Version
: Calamus-Anwender Fabio Cornero hat eine italienische Übersetzung des Calamus-Standardlieferumfangs erstellt. Nach und nach werden auch die Zukaufmodule und die Website ins Italienische übersetzt.
- New: [560] Dialog-Bedienung: In allen Dialogen aller Module und von Calamus selbst kann man ab jetzt per Tastatur die Werte in numerischen Eingabefeldern verändern.
- Fix: Wörterbücher laden: Nach dem Laden größerer Dokumente konnte es vorkommen, dass Wörterbücher über das Text-Modul nicht mehr geladen werden konnten. Stattdessen kam die Fehlermeldung:
Beim Trennen ist ein allgemeiner Fehler aufgetreten .
- Fix: [501] Dateiauswahl: Die Calamus-Dateiauswahl nimmt für Dateinamen nur noch erlaubte Zeichen an.
- Fix: [432] Einstellungen sichern: Schon vorhandene CALAMUS.SET-Dateien aus älteren Installationen werden jetzt geschützt durch eine neue DEFAULT.SET-Datei und entsprechende Operationen beim Laden/Speichern der Einstellungen.
R6 |
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R6 PRG [2007-12-14]
- Fix: [503] Close Documents: When you close a document and a module is active which uses its own frame edit mode (like e.g. Vector Editor or LineArt), it no longer crashes Calamus. In this case, Calamus activates the Frame module which forces a standard state.
- New: [507] Text Recalculation: The text recalculation routines inthe Calamus kernel now find and calculate all types of text frames, this means not only normal text frames but also footnote and index text frames. This change was required to give modules like e.g. FonTools which use these routines, access to all these text frames.
- New: [508] GUI: The
Cancel button in all German dialogs of all modules is no longer labeled Abbruch but Abbrechen (as usual under Windows and Mac OS).
- New: [509] GUI:
Quit Calamus no longer asks if you really want to if there is no open document.
- New: [510] GUI: Help buttons in several module dialogs no longer cause error reports in browsers.
- New: [512] GUI: The
Exit buttons in several German dialogs are now labeled Schließen instead of Ausgang (as usual under Windows and Mac OS).
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R6 SET [2007-12-14]
- Fix: [506] CALAMUS.SET: The memory values RAMForTOS, FastRAMForTOS and VecOutBufSize are no more fixed to 1 MB.
R5 |
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R5 PRG [2007-07-18]
- Fix: Program Initialization: Calamus SL uses Line-A again in order to output document content on screen in MagicMacX properly. Aranym, fVDI and other Line-A critical TOS emulators will no longer work with Calamus.
- New: [432] Save Settings: Already existing CALAMUS.SET files from former installations are now protected by shipping a new DEFAULT.SET file and relevant operations when settings are loaded/saved.
R4 |
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R4 PRG [2007-06-13]
- New: [432] Save Settings: Already existing CALAMUS.SET files from former installations are now protected by shipping a new DEFAULT.SET file and relevant operations when settings are loaded/saved.
- New: [440] Recalculate Text: The preset page area now uses a smarter method.
- New: [459] Save Documents: Unsaved new documents will now be saved in the current document path.
- Fix: Program Initialization: Calamus SL no longer uses Line-A and should therefore work with Aranym, fVDI and other Line-A critical TOS emulators.
- Fix: [90] Program Initialization: Calamus SL should no longer crash under XaAES (no wind_update() call before appl_init()).
- Fix: [444] Save Documents: Calamus no longer crashes under enhanced TOS versions (Falcon 060) when saving documents.
- Fix: [377] Save Documents: Document preview images are correctly saved again (portrait / landscape format).
- Fix: Save Documents: Fonts are only embedded in CDK files, no longer in text style lists etc.
- Fix: [467] External Modules: When no modules were loaded, a silly alert was shown when the dialog 'External Modules' was opened.
- Fix: [150] External Modules: Selecting list areas using the [Alt] key works fine again.
- Fix: [461] Import: When no text import driver was loaded, the alert popped up twice.
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R4 SET [2007-06-13]
- New: CALAMUS.SET: The memory values RAMForTOS, FastRAMForTOS and VecOutBufSize are now fixed to 1 MB generally.
- New: [161] CALAMUS.SET: Change of Euro character shortcut in the Text module is now saved in CALAMUS.SET.
- Fix: CALAMUS.SET: Missing Euro character definition in Czech CALAMUS.SET is now correctly set to ASCII 233 (all other Calamus localizations use ASCII 238 instead).

R3 |
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R3 PRG [2006-06-16]
- New: Auto import mechanism lists loaded files for text, raster images and vector graphics in the file history separately.
- New: [393] On
Save as... the current path of the current document is suggested as target path, not the last path used on document load.
- New: When importing text into already filled text frames,
Replace is now suggested by default, no longer Append .
- New: If no auto import driver has been loaded, the driver load dialog shows up immediately.
- New: Several buttons are no longer shown depending on the number of loaded modules or drivers.
- New: If only one module or driver is loaded, it is selected automatically.
- Fix: [405] f you switch on the Calamus Virtual Memory (VMM) and the currently defined VMM folder does not exist, Calamus now tries and creates it. According error reports have been enhanced.
- Fix: Internal call parameters for page module and text style module enhanced.
- Fix: Internal error control for font import driver loading enhanced.
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R3 SET [2006-06-16]
- New: Delay for text formatting has been switched off (set to 0.00 sec) by default.
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R3 SYSTEM [2006-06-16]
- New: Keytab.ini for Danish keyboards (done by Henning Nymand).

R2 |
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R2 PRG [2006-06-16]
- New: Preview drivers report less errors.
- New: [358] Folder paths are saved in the Calamus.SET file in CAPITALS only on old TOS systems.
- Fix: [354] The dialog
Search paths no longer freezes Calamus.
- Fix: [353] The dialog
Search paths has been fixed.
R1 |
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R1 PRG [2005-12-20]
- New: Calamus file selector much enhanced
- New: Dialog
External modules much enhanced
- New: Universal info dialog for all modules
- New: MIN-/MAX buttons introduced in many dialogs
- New: New switch:
File overwrite warning
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R1 SET [2005-12-20]
- New: [320] OverwriteWarning:
This new parameter (on/off) corresponds with the new checkbox in the dialog Miscellaneous settings (Options menu). If set on , a warning is given to the user before a file is going to be overwritten (exception: File menu: Save ).

- New: [286] TImpFontNormal:
This entry stores the number of the font, which should be assigned to the text style Normal on text import.
- New: [286] TImpFontItalic:
This entry stores the number of the font, which should be assigned to the text style Italic on text import.
- New: [286] TImpFontBold:
This entry stores the number of the font, which should be assigned to the text style Bold on text import.
- New: [286] TImpFontBoldIt:
This entry stores the number of the font, which should be assigned to the text style Bold Italic on text import.
Please keep in mind, that the previously mentioned four entries do not realize a real font assignment, but simply assign the currently loaded fonts to a text style (using their number, starting at 0). If no font is loaded when you recall this dialog, the assignments are cleared again. If less fonts are loaded than have been assigned before, the first loaded font is assigned to the now missed font places.
- New: [286] TImpCursiveFonts:
This entry stores the switch state of Italic: Font / Style in the import parameter dialog Font selection for 'Italic' and 'Bold' .
- New: Filenames:
Loaded fonts are now listed one per row like the external modules. This allows easier reading and editing of the Calamus.SET file.
- New: [13] FrTextFlowX2Off / FrTextFlowY2Off:
These two new entries store the auto text flow offsets for right and bottom borders of frames.
Calamus SL 2006 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2006 R1 SYSTEM [2005-12-20]
- New: CXMY.CLL: CXmy modules can save their own SET file in the Calamus SET file format now. A binary SET file is no longer written by default.
R3 |
Calamus SL 2003 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2003 R3 PRG [2004-11-11]
- New: Module and Coordinates bar are placed in optimized positions on screen.
- New: [58] The help menu is always visible (useable menu entries are selectable).
- New: [51] Button texts in dialog
Object with the same name encountered enhanced.

- New: [41] The Calamus file selecter shows
*.CDK + *.BAK when all is selected on document load.
- New: [19] Frame handling optimized for Calipso 3.
- Fix: [39] The Calamus file selector show all existing extensions (again) on font load.
- Fix: [31] Printer drivers can write files with long file names under MagicMac (X) again.
- Fix: [9] Folders are checked with another method under MagicMac (X) now, so you can write in new, empty folders again.
Calamus SL 2003 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2003 R3 SET [2004-11-11]
- New: [All languages]
- KeyDelayTime has been changed from 0.0 sec to 0.5 sec (value 500). This avoids
flickering text layout cursors when Calamus newbees and slow-hands type text directly into text frames.
- UnderlineOffset = 25%
- UnderlineWidth = 5%
SystemParameters: UserToplinePos (on/off):
off : Modules and coordinates bars (toplines) are placed in optimized positions on screen.
- New: LowQuote1/HighQuote1 is now English 66/99 (ASCII 171/170).

- New: LowQuote1/HighQuote1 is now English 66/99 (ASCII 171/170).

- New: LowQuote2/HighQuote2 is now Guillemets » « (ASCII 175/174).

Colour Management (COLOR.CLL)
– 1.0x (SL2003 R3) [2004-11-11]
- Fix: [85] The IHS colour system slider names now represent the right values (COLOR.CLL).
Calamus SL 2003 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2003 R3 SYSTEM [2004-11-11]
- New: SYSTEM-Ordner: Im Unterordner SYSFONT findest Du jetzt weitere Bildschirmfonts, die im WinPack benutzt werden können.
R2 |
Calamus SL 2003 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2003 R2 PRG [2003-11-04]
Color Separation DLL (CalamusSeparation.DLL)
– (SL2003 R2) [2003-09-29]
- New: The colour separation DLL has been enhanced.
R1 |
Calamus SL 2003 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2003 R1 PRG [2003-10-01]
- New: Win/MMX: Calamus offers a native colour separation and screen calibration, basing on ICC profiles.

- New: The Colour dialog shows value units for the colour systems (RGB 0-255, CMYK %, IHS °) and shows an Internet colour value field for web designers.
- New: Win: A double click on Calamus documents (CDK) and Calamus setup files (SET) now launches Calamus.
- New: The Calamus file selector shows a folder history in addition to the file history (kind of
Favorites ).

- New: Text style attributes can be quickly and easily changed in Smart mode.
- New: The frame find routine now finds text frame backgrounds (important for Select and Locator).
- New: Win/MMX: External modules and printer drivers can use native routines for more speed.
- New: Cut 'n' Crop marks can now be edited by BEDE (optional).
- New: Value entries in dialogs will be formatted immediately after the edit cursor leaves the edit field.
- When pages with more than one layer are printed, the number of pages is no longer multiplied by the number of layers.
- The Calamus file selector is used by default. If you want to use a system file selector, you can switch to it in the System Parameters module.
- Fix: Colour palettes are now sorted in alphabetical order in the Colour dialog's popup menu.
- Fix: Negative Text Flow values in manual Text Flow are evaluated correctly now.
- Fix: When switching layer visibility, automatic text flow now longer causes problems with layers which were invisible.
- Fix: The name of a printer driver which was selected via the autolocator, is now correctly saved in the SET file.
- Fix: The [+] index for spot colours in the Print dialog is now inverted again if at least one spot colour is selected for output.
R5 |
Calamus SL 2002 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2002 R5 PRG [2002-11-06]
- New: Die Rahmensuchroutine findet nun auch Textrahmen-Hintergründe.
- Fix: Negative Umflusswerte beim manuellen Umfluss werden jetzt richtig ausgewertet.
- Fix: Beim Umschalten der Sichtbarkeiten von Layern kam es zu Problemen mit der Aktualisierung des automatischen Umflusses auf den bisher unsichtbaren Ebenen.
- Fix: Bei Seiten mit mehreren Ebenen wird beim Ausdrucken wieder die vorgegebene Seitenzahl beachtet.
- Fix: Nach Auswahl eines Druckertreibers in der Dateiauswahl mit Hilfe des Autolocators der Dateiauswahl wurde der Dateiname des Druckertreibers nur unvollständig im Setup gesichert.
Calamus SL 2002 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2002 R5 SET [2002-11-06]
- Fix: Die Calamus-Dateiauswahl ist jetzt wieder als Standard eingestellt. Wer die System-Auswahl möchte, kann dies wie gewohnt im Systemparameter-Modul umstellen.
R4 |
Calamus SL 2002 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2002 R4 PRG [2002-10-15]
- New: Separation supports spot colours even in unseparated CMYK output now.
- Fix: Paths with more than 128 characters will be shown abbreviated (/../) in the document window title and no longer crash the program.
- Fix: Embedded fonts are recognized. Only the following font types can be embedded:
- fonts without serial number (free CFN fonts, Type 1 fonts, TTF fonts),
- fonts with the serial number of the Calamus which loads the CDK,
- fonts with the serial number of the Calamus which created the CDK.
- Fix: When the left margin of a text ruler was placed right to the frame, the first text line was not output although the left margin was important for the text beginning with the second line.
- Fix: Text formatting had a bug concerning frame borders and text flow: Sometimes two text lines were drawn over another when a right frame margin was defined and another frame hat to be flowed around the text.
- New: All printing tile frames are considered now on printing, even if they are not part of the current page layer.
- Fix: In double page mode, you could sometimes select grab points of frames on the left page, even though you had clicked into the right page.
- New: File selector: If a file name is predefined for saving operations, the file selection cursor lets the file list jump to the selected entry in the file list (if this file already exists).
- New: File history shows up to 64 entries now.
- Fix: The file preview is restored now after moving of the file selector.
Calamus SL 2002 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2002 R4 SET [2002-10-15]
- New: The Czech version of Calamus expects the Euro character at ASCII position 233, not at ASCII 238. The SET file has therefore been updated.

- Fix: The page orientation (landscape or portrait) is saved in the setup.
R3 |
Calamus SL 2002 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2002 R3 PRG Details [2002-05-17]
- New: Load Windows fonts from the Windows system fonts directory without problems now.
- New: Text flow with line borders for left and right now works as you expect it to do.
- New: The Print sheet view now shows gray pages on 256 grayscale output.
- New: On separated grayscale output the Print sheet view now shows separated gray planes.
- New: On unseparated monochrome output the document will be shown in monochrome rasterized mode in the Print sheet view.
- New: When using 'Fix document', a time bar is shown now for large documents.
- New: The Registry dialog more descriptions about how to enter the registry information.
- New: The colours of alertbox headlines are darker and can be recognized much better now.
- New: Documents with complex structures (many pages, many frames, many piping links) load much faster.
- New: File history sorts last used files to the top of the list.
- New: Øystein Per Moltubakk has translated Calamus and almost every module to Norwegian language.

- SL2002 R3 is not an update free of charge for SL2002 users, thus a new match code is required (20 EUR).
- The upgrade price from SL2000 to SL2002 R3 increases from 89 to 99 EUR.
- Fix: Styles and rulers could not be saved sometimes.
- Fix: Usage of free colours in duplex images could crash on output under MagicMac on Macs..
- Fix: The Fine data manager now even swaps fine data of masked images in the Print sheet view.
- Fix: Using a text frame border does no longer double the entered values.
- Fix: Recalculation of measure units for frame anchors, kerning, etc. was wrong sometimes.
- Fix: Output of duplex images with CMYK or RGB colours is fixed.
- Fix: Using text frame caches, text shadows were not drawn sometimes.
- Fix: On view change from Master page view to Print sheet view, an Error -21 could occur.
- Fix: Change of print sheet Print sheet view could cause an Error -160 in combination with the Fine data manager.
- Fix: If a module changed more than frame at the time on different layers, redraw errors could occur.
- Fix: Autoscrolling in the Frame editor mode no longer loses the proportionality mode of the frame.
- Fix: Sometimes Bridge could not output small frames (e.g. crop marks).
- Fix: In Text edit mode, frame grap points on the left frame border can be selected again in order to resize the frame.
- Fix: Document preview images of very large page sizes do no longer blow up the CDK file size.
- Fix: Esthetic kerning enhanced for Czech version.

Calamus WinPack (Calamus.exe)
– 3.1.0 [2002-05-17]
- New: System folder name now supports localized packages (e.g. SYSTEEM in the Dutch version).

- New: Cursor scrolling much faster (e.g. in Eddie text editor).
- New: Mouse wheel support fit to Windows standard:
- Mouse wheel scrolls one vertical line
- [Shift] + Mouse wheel scrolls one vertical page
- [Ctrl] + Mouse wheel scrolls one horizontal line
- [Ctrl] + [Shift] + Mouse wheel scrolls one horizontal page
- Fix: New KEYTAB.INI for Switzerland (KEYTAB_CH.INI - simply rename it to KEYTAB.INI)

- Fix: Right justified texts with special characters in dialogs are formatted better now.
- Fix: Dialog edit fields now show the Euro character, if required (updated TRANSLAT.INI).
CXMY.CLL: CXmy Functions Library (CXMY.CLL)
– 3.05 [2001-06-18]
- New: The Version checker module is now supported by a ModuleInfoBlock.
- New: The CLL loads faster.
R2 |
Calamus SL 2002 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2002 R2 PRG [2002-01-07]
- New: Das Laden großer Dokumente geht jetzt wesentlich schneller.
- Fix: Bei nicht separierter CMYK- oder RGB-Ausgabe über einen Druckertreiber (z.B. Tiff oder PDF) werden nun auch die Beschnitt-Elemente in der richtigen Farbe ausgegeben.
- Fix: Beim Löschen des letzten Zeichens vor einem Textlineal kam es zu einem Fehler 16.
- Fix: Bei der Bogenansicht werden nun auch die Feindaten von maskierten Bildern eingelagert.
- Fix: Einige interne Kleinigkeiten.
R1 |
Calamus SL 2002 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2002 R1 PRG [2001-11-01]
- New: Menu bar: Calamus:
Info for Calamus
Info dialog now shows the serial numbers, licensee name, date and status (B1 = Beta 1, R1 = Release 1, etc.)
- New: Menu bar: Options:
Fix document
Before fixes takes place an alert box warns that the UNDO buffer will be cleared.
- New: Modules bar: Clicking an empty module field opens the
External Modules dialog.
- New: Coordinates bar: Switching between layout pages, master pages and printing sheet overview via a new popup:

R7 |
Calamus SL 2000 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2000 R7 PRG [2001-03-24]
- Fix: Transparent output on printing should always work now.
- Fix: File History: The last selected entry is placed to the top of the list now.
- Fix: There should not occur crashes any longer on Atari TT machines when using the frame editor.
- Fix: Loading of serialized fonts with a third party serial number is working correct again.
R6 |
Calamus SL 2000 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2000 R6 PRG [2001-01-03]
- Fix: MacPrint and VDIPrint can be used without problems again.
- Fix: Copying text frames could cause cache errors.
- Fix: Some error alerts updated (DLL -> CLL).
R5 |
Calamus SL 2000 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2000 R5 PRG [2000-12-11]
- Fix: Text shadows are shown again.
- Fix: Error in document copy mechanism fixed (caused problems with CXMY modules and Multicolor Blend module).
- Fix: Page numbers on master pages are updated now when browsing master pages, even when the caches are switched on.
- Fix: Dialogs fit to new WinPack version
- Fix: Piping by mouse clicks could cause system crashes on TT computers.
- Fix: The color icons in color list function groups are shown much faster now.
R4 |
Calamus SL 2000 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2000 R4 PRG [2000-10-24]
- New: Ab dieser Version wird Calamus mit Matchcodes freigeschaltet.
- New: Textausgabe etwa 30 % schneller.
- Fix: Diverse kleinere Fehlerbehebungen.
R1 |
Calamus SL 2000 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2000 R1 PRG [2000-08-08]
- New: Undo:Calamus SL2000 offers a completely new Undo concept for as many Undo/Redo steps as you like it. The first function group which has been implemented, is the Frame Editing function group (delete, move, resize, etc.). More functions follow step-by-step until the release date.
- New: History: The Calamus File Selector now remembers all 'Last Documents'.
- New: Rotate Frames: All frames own new grab points for direct rotation in the layout by mouse movements. Of course to be switched on/off ...
- New: Frame Borders: Frame borders now rotate together with the frame and its contents. Therefore, rotated frames may be grabbed at their rotated edges.
- New: Frame Information: The frame type information can be switched visible/invisible independant from the frame borders now.
- New: Piping per Mouse: Text frames can now be piped with a few mouse clicks.
- New: Automatic Text Flow Around Objects: Text can flow around all frame types automatically with editable distances.
- New: Edit Rotated Text: Text and text rulers can be edited in rotated state.
- New: Document Move Mode: The visible part of the document can be moved by mouse directly in the document layout window.
- New: Farbdialog: Komplett überarbeitet und neugestaltet, so dass Du Farben in Calamus noch effektiver definieren, ändern und nutzen kannst. Der im Farbdialog eingebaute Grau-nach-K-Konverter und die Farbsortierung machen das Pflegen Deiner Farblisten noch einfacher.
- New: Transparencies On-Screen: Transparent frame contents will be shown (and merged) on-screen now as already in output mode.
- New: Document Manager: You can create multi-page documents with ready-to-go piped text frames in multi column layouts very easy now.
- New: SetDate: When outputting your pages, the system date, file name and file path can be printed automatically, too.
- New: TrueType Fontloader: Get access to TTF fonts (in PC format) finally - directly use them in Calamus beside and like your CFN fonts.
- New: Various Page Formats: The new page module offers unlimited page formats which can be defined and edited by yourself. - Get access to formats like 'CD Booklet' or 'My Personal Ad Sticker' at a single mouse click ...
Calamus SL 2000 (CALAMUS.PRG)
– 2000 R1 FONTS [2000-08-08]
- New: Fade fonts: 4 faces (fadefade, fadeless, fadenorm, fademore) by Frank Müller
- New: Broom: 4 CFN-Schnitte in schottischer Loch- und Fjord-Optik (Broom, Inverbroom, Little Loch Broom, Loch Broom) von Frank Müller
- New: Plage d'Oléron: 2 faces of the beach font by Sven Klügl
- New: invers Fontpool No. 1: 24 CFN headline fonts by Günter Honkomp