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Calamus SL: Etendue des fonctions: Généralités
Calamus SL: Etendue des fonctions: Généralités
Frame based, integrated publishing system
Modular function groups for further enhancement of the Calamus system
SoftRipping® technology
Echte WYSIWYG-Druckvorschau mit Raster- und Separationskontrolle
Ausschieß- und Feindaten-Kontrolle durch Druckvorschau
4c separation for spot colors, too
Any type of print raster (even FM) on single document pages
Dynamic masking of any kind of frames
Free scaling of text frames
Enhanced layout editor
Comfortable text editor for higher performance in text editing
Spell checker and automatical hyphenation (with dictionary)
Integrated macro recorder for macros of almost every step in Calamus
Beliebig langes Undo/Redo für viele wichtigen Operationen
Free key stroke definition for macros and deadkeys
Tiling frame type for output of predefined parts of pages (e.g. for poster output)
Assembly and Imposition functionality
Automatic crop and cut marks
Color systems RGB, CYMK, CYM, IHS, K
Vorseparierte Farbpaletten für Focoltone und HKS
Bearbeitung von Paletten-Bildern (duochrom und 256c)
Erzeugen von Duplex-, Triplex-, Quadruplex-Bildern
36 predefined line forms with defineable shadows and line ends
30 predefined surface forms with defineable outlie attributes and shadows
Histogramme function
20 documents can be opened at once
Bis zu 999.999 Seiten pro Dokument
Beliebig viele Ebenen pro Seite
Bis zu 9.999 Stammseiten pro Dokument
Beliebig viele Ebenen pro Stammseite
Beliebig viele Ebenen-Gruppen pro Dokument
Double page management
Page and chapter numbering bis zu 7 Hierarchien tief
Beliebige Seitennummern-Definitionen an beliebigen Seitenpositionen
Frame anchors
Leader tab with up to 30 free defineable characters
Text outlines in solid frames can be set transparent
Grouping of any frame types
Horizontal/vertical mirroring of frames
Rotation of frames
Copy function free defineable
Context sensitiv multi clipboard for correct cut, (multi) copy and (multi) paste even between different documents
Automatical color list generation
and many more ...