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invers Software

Calamus SL: Features: In + Out (en)

Creativity | Typographs | No Limits | In + Out | SoftRipping

Dreaming of . . .

In + Out

In + Out

With Calipso 1 PRO, an optional Calamus module, you can import PostScript and EPS files from any application (e.g. Quark XPress, VivaPress, Adobe PageMaker, CorelDraw, WinWord, Finale etc.) into Calamus SL. Then edit the data right there and put it out with the famous Calamus SoftRipping® engine. So you see: Here is the Publisher which gives you full control over PostScript data from any other application for direct editing, control and output - with the advantages of Calamus SoftRipping®.

If you want to use PostScript for output from Calamus - do it. Use the advantages of Calamus SoftRipping® here as well. Stay on the right side, ignore all well-known PS problems and output your pre-separated and rasterized PostScript (Level 2) files. Drop them on any PS level 2 RIP for production. The raster dots are saved in the file for save production workflow. Transparency is possible with PostScript - thanks to Calamus SoftRipping® - the WYSIWYG PostScript.


For those who use tor produce books, magazines, booklets and stuff, invers Software offers the optional Imposition PRO. It composes up to 16 document pages per print form (that means 32 pages each print sheet). Use various imposition kinds: magazine, book, listing, optimized single page output. You may even use the altair mode for special brochures (on a single mouse click!) and the free page list mode for strange jobs.


If you want to personify your documents, use the enhanced PERSONIFY module. Even use more than one data set per page or call data fields on various pages of your multipage document.


You need to cut and plot your graphics for decoration purposes (e.g. PostScript files created in Quark Xpress)? Use the CalPlot module and plot directly to plotter machines. All HPGL compatible plotters are available. Cut your own money.

. . . welcome to reality! Calamus SL

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