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invers Software

Calamus SL: Features: No Limits (en)

Creativity | Typographs | No Limits | In + Out | SoftRipping

Dreaming of . . .

Creativity without limits


Calamus is an integrated publishing suite. You keep control about everything, from text input to layout, from creative composition of page elements to output. The great variety of optional modules enhances your abilities.

All tools for creative layout composing are integrated in the Calamus system in an outstanding way. Change frames and frame groups in various other data formats with the BRIDGE module (e.g. text to vector, vector to image etc.). The FILTER module gives you the creativity of great picture editors. Merge and blend any kind of frames with the MERGE module, even half transparent or faded out. The PAINT module is your graphic pallette tool for image creation and correction. You are free to define the flexible graphic tools to your own purposes, even pressure-sensitive ArtPad pens are supported.


Did you ever want to mask any kind of document element dynamically in a hush? Calamus users simply do so! Dynamic masking means you are able to unmask the objects (mask and picture) and have full access to all data again. Any type of black object can be a mask, e.g. text or bitmap graphics. Do all this masquerade directly in your document layout - walk the creative way.

. . . welcome to reality! Calamus SL

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