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invers Software

Calamus SL: Features: SoftRipping (en)

Creativity | Typographs | No Limits | In + Out | SoftRipping

Dreaming of . . .

SoftRipping® – System and Precision

Calamus SL owns a very save technology for output of complex publishing documents: SoftRipping®. This way Calamus prepares each single dot of each single page in your Calamus computer. Output is not controlled by external PostScript RIPs in your laser printer, typesetter or a digital RIP in China. Screen output and print output in Calamus uses the same engine (with different output hardware resolutions, of course). So Calamus offers real WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) in the physical resolution of your output machine or even higher resolution. This garanties a new quality in production.

Zoom, zoom, zoom ... without end

Working with Calamus is fun - but why. One fact is that you may zoom much higher than some 100 percent. Do not even think about fixed zoom steps. Simply zoom to a maximum of 999.999 percent in image graphic areas and still some thousand percents in vector areas. Any pixel that you see is a real output pixel according to the actual zoom resolution.

Output. Dot. Precise.

Beside giving access to each single typesetter output dot Calamus SL goes steps further: You normally work with real fine data when editing image frames in Calamus. You may generate and edit raster dots on screen, dynamically mask anything with anything and even use FM raster in any resolution. Mix up autotypical dot raster and FM raster types on a single layout page, each single frame may have its own raster. This is the way for more precise and faster production. The most important item for you: Use the freedom for your own creativity - do not accept technical compromises.

For You!

The SoftRipping® technology does fit in existing workflow systems. Take your profit from SL PostScript output and walk the secure way with Calamus SoftRipping®. Walk the creative way.

. . . welcome to reality! Calamus SL

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