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invers Software

Calamus SL: Features: Typo (en)

Creativity | Typographs | No Limits | In + Out | SoftRipping

Dreaming of . . .

Typographs of all nations ...

Get access to micro typographic parameters in Calamus SL. Define word and letter distances, shadow, color, distance or thickness of underlines and many items more, individually for each text style, for single characters - if you like to. Define your own font size - if you like to. Even set your words in Arabian manner from right to left. Define all basic measure units - as you like it. Use Didot, pica point, Cicero, Quart, millimeter, Inch, Elle, Foot, yard, light year - simply as you like it for your work.

As mentioned before, you are able to define text styles for each single character. If you change a style, all text parts which use this specific style, are changed, too. Every type setter who had to change a ready-to-print document according to his client's wishes (Please do change the Introduction parts only!), knows how much work this really can be.

Calamus SL uses dynamic font management. Do you always win your fight against the font jungle? In Calamus you use to simply load the fonts which you really need for a specific document. If you reload the document, the fonts are reloaded as well.

The Text Editor Calamus SL comes with its own text editor module called EDDIE (light). You can even edit control codes like kerning, text styles, text rulers, frame anchors. So you may finish even more complex text parts and correct the typography of your manuscripts much better. Use the enhanced Search & Replace function as well as the UNDO recorder. You will enjoy working with Eddie as you never did before with text editors in layout software.

. . . welcome to reality! Calamus SL

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