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invers Software

Calamus Vector Graphics Collections (en)

Here you find interesting collections of Calamus Vector Graphics for all day use.

These graphics in CVG format are offered from Calamus users for Calamus users. Only the offering persons are responsible for the graphics contents.

If you to share your own Calamus graphics with other Calamus customers here,

Chemie: several Graphics About Chemisty by :
  • BATEAU_1.CVD: cyclohexane, ship conformation
  • BATEAU_1.CVG: idem
  • BATEAU_P.CVG: idem, with méthylène bridging (skeleton of camphor)
  • BENZENE.CVG: regular hexagon with circle (benzène)
  • CHAISE.CVG: cyclohexane, chair confommation
  • CHEPTANE.CVD: regular heptagon, skeleton for cycloheptane
  • CHEXANE.CVG: regular hexagon (skeleton of cyclohexane, plane)
  • CHEXENE.CVD: skeleton of the cyclohexène (plane formula)
  • CHEXENON.CVG: skeleton of the cyclohexènon (plane formula)
  • CPENTANE.CVG: regular pentagon (skeleton of cyclopentane)
  • ORTOFEN.CVD: skeleton of the orthophénantroline
  • 6_5.CVG: regular pentagon adossed to refular hexagon (skeleton of DNA purique bases)
  • 6_5_6.CVG: regular pentagon between 2 regular hexagons (skeleton of fluorène)
(5 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)

DivLogos: Several Graphics and Logos by Christoph Brincken:

Alarmclock, Alternativ Busreisen, AMC Wanne e.V., AMC farbig, Bärlin, Dia, Ente, EuroMünze, EuroZeichen, Farbkopien, Filmstreifen, Flamme, Goshin, Griffon, HBW-Vampir, HeaVensGate, Helios, HH19, HH-Silhouette, InterconTechnologies, InterturbineLogistics, JimiHendrixUnterschrift, Jubiläum 50 Kranz, Käppie-Druck, Keine Macht den Drogen, Klebebuchstaben, Küche sauber, Genosse, Max-Logo, Nike-Flügel, Noten, Photobörse, Photolinse, Posthorn, Prodigy Experience, Rotes Kreuz invertiert, Rotes Kreuz schattiert, Shotokan, TanzPaar, Telefon, Tomatos Ristaurante, TU Berlin

(126 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)

Logos: Logo Collection by Christoph Brincken:

Atari-Logo, Blut, BMW, Columbia Space Shuttle, Intertec GmbH, Karl-Marx-Konterfei, Nike-Bogen, Prodegy

(29 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)

Politik: Political Logos and Graphics by Christoph Brincken:

A_Gencli, A_no_Cut, A_Rahmen, AA_Flags, AG_JG, Anarch-OA, AnLPfeil, Antifa-Aktion, Avanti, Bakunin, Destroy Fashism, Doppelaxt, Drogen, Feminism, Frau mit Flagge, Gegenpol, Gnarfe, H_Antifa, HammerSichel, IS-Faust, JU, JUSO, Kette, KlasSag, Klassenkampf, Marx, Nazis Raus Buster, Nazis Raus Ratte, Nuklear, Punk-Logo, Q-Faust, RoteKhmer, Radikal, Riot, RosaLuxemburg, Rustikal, (S)Hell, S9Work, Saufen gegen rechts, SOZ_O_BA, ST_Bovik, Stern, Streik, Strike, SU_Stern, Subotnik, Tornado NO, Trotzky

(172 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)
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