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invers Software

Calamus: Manuals (en)

Calamus SL2006 Complete Manual Calamus SL2006 is shipped with a 186 pages manual addendum for the SL2003 Complete Manual to all Calamus users, who have purchased the SL Complete Manual already and order their Calamus upgrade with postal shipment. If you do not have this Complete Manual already, you can purchase it at any time for only 49 EUR.

As an alternative to the printed manual, we do not only offer the HTML version of the Complete Manual but also all available Calamus SL Manuals in PDF format for download.

Adobe Acrobat Reader If you want to read or print PDF documents, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded free of charge at Adobe's website. Simply click on the Adobe link image.

SL2006 Complete Manual SL2006 Manual Addendum
de  SL2006_de.pdf

SL2006 Kompletthandbuch (840 Seiten)

(9811 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)
en  SL2006_en.pdf

SL2006 Complete Manual (818 pages)

(9577 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)
de  SL2006_ADD_de.pdf

SL2006 Handbuch-Ergänzung (194 Seiten)

(1924 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)
en  SL2006_ADD_en.pdf

SL2006 Manual Addendum (186 pages)

(1980 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)

SL2006 Folder Shield
de en  SL2006BoxBack.pdf
(38 kB, archiv ze dne 28.06.2011)
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