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invers Software

Calamus SL2006

Calamus SL2006

This page offers full versions of Calamus SL2006 for download.

For Windows please use the EXE installer. For Mac OS X, Mac OS Classic and all TOS systems please get the ZIP archives.

Attention: This program version requires an SL2006 matchcode which can be purchased right here if you do not have one already. The modules contained in these archives cannot be loaded or used in older Calamus versions.

If you would rather like to try Calamus SL, we recommend the lite edition, which can be used free for 30 days without any charge.

Get your lite edition here.

Calamus SL 2006 R8


it  Calamus_SL2006_it_0800.EXE

Calamus SL2006 R8 it WinPack

(14742 kB, Built 28.06.2011)
cs  Calamus_SL2006_cs_0800.EXE

Calamus SL2006 R8 cs WinPack

(16359 kB, Built 28.06.2011)
de  Calamus_SL2006_de_0800.EXE

Calamus SL2006 R8 de WinPack

(15667 kB, Built 28.06.2011)
en  Calamus_SL2006_en_0800.EXE

Calamus SL2006 R8 en WinPack

(14648 kB, Built 28.06.2011)
fr  Calamus_SL2006_fr_0800.EXE

Calamus SL2006 R8 fr WinPack

(14812 kB, Built 28.06.2011)
nl  Calamus_SL2006_nl_0800.EXE

Calamus SL2006 R8 nl WinPack

(14616 kB, Built 28.06.2011)
no  Calamus_SL2006_no_0800.EXE

Calamus SL2006 R8 no WinPack

(14535 kB, Built 28.06.2011)

Mac OS X Mac OS Classic TOS


Calamus SL2006 R8 it TOS/Mac

(13789 kB, Built 28.06.2011)

Calamus SL2006 R8 cs TOS/Mac

(15396 kB, Built 28.06.2011)

Calamus SL2006 R8 de TOS/Mac

(14686 kB, Built 28.06.2011)

Calamus SL2006 R8 en TOS/Mac

(13700 kB, Built 28.06.2011)

Calamus SL2006 R8 fr TOS/Mac

(13862 kB, Built 28.06.2011)

Calamus SL2006 R8 nl TOS/Mac

(13665 kB, Built 28.06.2011)

Calamus SL2006 R8 no TOS/Mac

(13520 kB, Built 28.06.2011)

How to install Calamus ZIP archives:

  1. Unzip the downloaded ZIP archive (and keep the contained folder structure). Under Windows, call your WinZIP using a right click and chose Extract to folder SL2006xx_R1.
    Hier wird der Vorgang bebildert beschrieben.
  2. Open the archive folder until you see the typical Calamus folder structure (i.e. DRIVERS, MODULES, PRINTERS, SYSTEM, etc.).
  3. Doubleclick Calamus.exe (under Windows) resp. Calamus.PRG (under MagiC Mac X or other TOS systems).
  4. Enter your personal SL2006 matchcode which you received from us.

Manuals | Unzippers

If you have purchased additional modules for your Calamus SL2006 for download, please check your private download area My Calamus.

Service Area
Service Area You can reach our Service Area in each chapter of our website by clicking on the My Calamus link in the top menu.

Or simply click here.
If you are sure you should have this free update, too, but you don't find it in your Service Area, please don't hesitate to send us a short e-mail. We will then check your module update status. We also recommend the Version Checker module in order to check your module versions.
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