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invers Software

Eurostile Europa (URW)++

Eurostile Europa (URW)++

Eurostile Europa (URW)++ · Kopen · PayPal · Mening gebruikers · Demo · Handboek · Nieuws · History ·  

Continuing in this tradition, URW++ is now offering the Eurostile font family in the popular Europa Collection version with a total of 16 typeface weights in all six standard European character sets. The collection takes into account not only all languages currently used in the European Union (including Maltese), but also all official languages for the countries most likely to be next entry candidates (Turkish, Romanian, Cyrillic).

All fonts on a hybrid CD-ROM in PostScript, TrueType and OpenType formats.

Voor alle hier aangeboden URW++ font collecties is de URW++ licentie overeenkomst van toepassing. Hier te downloaden in PDF formaat. (Duits)

de  URWppLizenz.pdf
(217 kB, Built 28.06.2011)
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