The new development of Bridge 3 for SL98 was a great success and even Bridge 3 lite (without PostScript output) was welcomed in the SL99 standard package. The beta phase of Bridge 4 starts right now. The module has been enhanced with some very important features. Some of them can be listed now:
Bridge 4: The changes in version 4.00 [1999-10-26]:
Calamus Document >> PostScript File >> PDF Document.
invers Imposition moduleis supported. If a PS device does not have its own imposition software, simply use the Calamus imposition module now (even for more the difficult kinds of brochures, etc.).
invers OPI Manageris supported. You may finally export even your larger documents in PostScript.
invers Pling moduleis supported.
Cut Double Pages– When exporting whole pages (e.g. in GEM Image format) double pages can now be divided in single images.
The new Bridge 4 Module will be priced at 299 DM. The Upgrade for all users of Bridge 3 will be 99 DM. MGI Calamus SL99 is required for Bridge 4. The beta phase starts right now. – Purchase now: – Or order your Upgrade right now!