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invers Software

2000-02-14: FWT modules now courtesy of invers Software

As of February 07, 2000, invers Software is the copyright owner of all modules from Frank W. Tag:
FrankLIN, Navigator, Calvin, Wopper and Histogram are now invers modules, too.

The first modules have already been revised:

FrankLIN FrankLIN

FrankLIN: The changes in version 2.25 [2000-11-14]:

Navigator Navigator

Navigator: The changes in version 1.17 [2000-02-09]:

Histogram Histogram

Histogram: The changes in version 1.04 [2000-02-14]:

Calamus users who have registered in our Mailbox MAUS @ DAL and who already have FrankLIN v 2.2x or Navigator v1.xx, can now download from there free updates of the latest versions. The Histogramme Module v 1.04 will be included in the next FreshUp package of Calamus SL. — You can also benefit by receiving updates automatically when you register with our free Mailbox Update Service.

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