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invers Software

2001-04-30: Calamus in Hong Kong

Calamus lite edition is a tremendous success. 2 months ago, we presented it for the first time in the Internet. Now we already got more than 3.400 downloads in various versions and languages. We are very glad about many new users who already registered their own version of the lite edition. But also many old users who did not jump from the old B&W version to Calamus SL, have become new active Calamus users now.

Today the first user from Hong Kong got his matchcode. The first one went to Canada in early February. This means — Calamus SL2000 lite edition all over the world!

Attention: Old users who register their lite edition for 99 DM (50 EURO) only, can get their old Calamus serial number back, of course. This means, you will be able to continue using serialized CFN fonts which you purchased a long time ago and which still mean a value.

You can upgrade to the grand version Calamus SL (or the complete edition SLC) any time — on fair conditions. If you own e.g. Calamus 1.09 or the old PC version, the upgrade to SL2000 still is 499 DM. Your registered lite edition will decrease this price, which means that your jump to the grand version Calamus SL is 400 DM only. This is fair play.

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