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invers Software

2002-10-06: Paint module manual available (en)

Paint Derryck Croker and Peter A. West have translated the Paint module manual.

The English HTML and PDF versions are available online now in our website.

Paint Tools Undo Settings

The Paint module, conceived as both a powerful 4c retouching tool and a new creative tool, offers for the first time the possibility to merge into a DTP system the functions of layout elements and image processing. With the consequent employment of the Softripping technology it is possible to retouch and alter pictures directly in the graphics context of the complete page.

In the Paint module greyscale images can be worked on in exactly the same way as RGB and CMYK colour pictures. If you select a frame which doesn't already have a bit image in one of these formats, then the Paint module offers the possibility to convert it into such a format.

Jetzt direkt bestellen: Devisen-Rechner

Paint (v 3.09)
statt 100,00 EUR
nur 79,00 EUR
Paint (v 3.09) Gratis-Update von v2
0,00 EUR
Paint (v 3.09) Upgrade von v1
25,00 EUR
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statt 4,00 EUR
nur 0,00 EUR
Versandkosten-Aufpreis Kompletthandbuch (Inland)
10,00 EUR
Versandkosten-Aufpreis Kompletthandbuch (Ausland)
30,00 EUR

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