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invers Software

2007-06-08: Final spurt for birthday prices

Hurry up, it's high time!

Our birthday prices for Calamus and modules are still valid today and tomorrow (2007-06-09 midnight).

Enjoy the party and profit from our special prices!

To have much fun on a birthday, we're used to have a party and get lots of gifts. Sometimes the birthday child gets gifts, sometimes the guests get some. Best choice is giving gifts to both. We celebrate a virtual party for 16 days in total and give you half the Calamus as a birthday gift. Furthermore, we grant 16% birthday rebate on all purchase modules.

Spend much more attention to your Calamus now and check if you still miss one or the other module. Get it now. The Calamus birthday party will end on June 09, 2006 (midnight).

Calamus SL has birthday.Here is the current birthday price list.

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