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invers Software

2007-07-18: Get Calamus SL2006 FreshUp R5 now! (en)

The current FreshUp Release 5 of Calamus SL2006 is now available. This FreshUp mainly fixes a bad crash under MagiCMac X, which came up in FreshUP Release 4. Now you should no longer find difficulties in discovering all new enhancements already introduced in SL2006 R4.
Get the installation archives here.

If you still use an older version of Calamus, upgrading to the current Calamus SL2006 R5 is a good choice for you, too.
Order the current version now.

Here is a list of highlights in FreshUp R5 which is free for all Calamus SL2006 users.


Calamus SL 2006: The changes in version 2006 R5 PRG [18.07.2007]:


Bridge 7 lite Bridge 7 lite (BRIDGE6L.CXM)

Bridge 7 lite: The changes in version 6.17 [17.07.2007]:

  • Correction : The setup crash from v6.16 has been fixed.
Conversion de documents Conversion de documents (DOKKONV.CXM)

Conversion de documents: The changes in version 6.12 [17.07.2007]:

  • Nouveau : Document Converter has an own module icon.

Externe (koop) modules

Bridge 7 PRO Bridge 7 PRO (BRIDGE6.CXM)

Bridge 7 PRO: The changes in version 6.17 [17.07.2007]:

  • Correction : The setup crash from v6.16 has been fixed.
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