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invers Software



HiResdata-manager · Kopen · PayPal · Mening gebruikers · Functies · Demo · Handboek · Nieuws · History ·  
HiResdata-manager (heeft tenminste nodig: Calamus SL 2006): Het actuele versienummer is 7.00.

HiResdata-manager: voor & na

Documents with embedded raster graphics use to grow very fast, and suddenly you get a Memory Full error alert. The High-Resolution Data Manager not only swaps the image data to hard disk on a single keystroke, but finds and reloads even large document projects everytime, everywhere without problems. Let it swap in and out the high-res data automatically when printing documents. So you can realize documents with even gigabytes of (theoretical) size.

HiResdata-manager: voor & na

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