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invers Software



RTF-ImEx · Functies · Download · Handboek · Nieuws · History ·  
RTF-ImEx (heeft tenminste nodig: Calamus SL 2015): Het actuele versienummer is 5.00.

Dit produkt zit in het SL standaardpakket.

(Geen Nederlandse productomschrijving gevonden)

RTF-ImEx (RTF Import/Export Driver) is a completely new developed import/export driver from us for Rich Text Format, which has been developed by Microsoft as software-independent text exchange format.

This driver has nothing in common with the old RTF import/export driver, formerly distributed by DMC. The difference is marked already by _IMEX in its file name:

RTF_IMEX.CXT means RTF IMport/EXport driver by invers Software, Calamus Import/EXport Text.

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