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invers Software

WMF/EMF import/export driver

WMF/EMF import/export driver

WMF/EMF import/export driver · Download · Handboek · Nieuws · History ·  
WMF/EMF import/export driver (heeft tenminste nodig: Calamus SL 2015): Het actuele versienummer is 1.08.

Dit produkt zit in het SL standaardpakket.

(Geen Nederlandse productomschrijving gevonden)

WMF is a graphic format defined by Microsoft.WMF means Windows Metafile Format, EMF means Enhanced Metafile Format.

WMF/EMF Import/Export offers access to large libraries of WMF/EMF graphics from everywhere for import in your Calamus documents. Many of these graphics are very complex and can be scaled without losing quality because of their vector descriptions. – The WMF/EMF Import/Export cannot import raster graphics at the moment.

WMF Sample # 1WMF Sample # 2

Use the famous WMF and EMF graphics in Calamus, too. Load and save vector graphics in WMF and EMF format for a better exchange with your graphic partners all over the world.

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