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invers Software

Calamus Fonts (in CFN Format) (en)

Here you find all Calamus fonts in CFN format, which are currently available.

The fonts have been made available by various font houses and have been converted into CFN format by the former Calamus makers. You may purchase single font faces or whole font familiesie können einzelne Schriftschnitte oder ganze Familien bestellen All CFN files will be serialized with your Calamus serial number and shipped via My Calamus download only.


Calamus fonts, sorted by names (A-Z):

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z

A-Z (slow)


Calamus fonts, sorted by numbers (#30..-#40..):

#30.. | #31.. | #32.. | #34.. | #35.. | #36.. | #37..-#39.. | #40..

#3..-4.. (slow)

(The numbers of these fonts refer to the formerly available DMC font catalog.)

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