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invers Software

2006-03-22: PSD Import PRO v2.10 (en)

PSD Import PRO The import driver PSD Import PRO offers the chance of using Adobe Photoshop document in Calamus in a really smart way for your prepress jobs. The import driver supports duplex colors, masks and alpha channels which can be createdy with Adobe Photoshop. And furthermore — PSD Import PRO supports our High-Resolution Data Manager module. This means you can place raw data of your even very large images in a document and let PSD Import PRO manage to load the fine data of you PSD originals, even from CD.

PSD Import PRO has been enhanced right now. All Calamus users who work with SL2006 and PSD Import since v2.0, will find their free update in our Service area (see below).

PSD Import PRO: The changes in version 2.10 [2006-03-22]:

Service Area
Service Area You can reach our Service Area in each chapter of our website by clicking on the My Calamus link in the top menu.

Or simply click here.
If you are sure you should have this free update, too, but you don't find it in your Service Area, please don't hesitate to send us a short e-mail. We will then check your module update status. We also recommend the Version Checker module in order to check your module versions.

Order now: Currencies Calculator

PSD Import PRO
PSD Import PRO (v 2.12)
Import Photoshop images with channels and masks (even duplex/triplex/quadruplex)
reg. 79,00 EUR
only 49,00 EUR
PSD Import PRO (v 2.12) Upgrade from v1
19,00 EUR
High-Resolution Data Manager
High-Resolution Data Manager (v 7.00)
69,00 EUR
High-Resolution Data Manager (v 7.00) Upgrade from all older versions (v1-6)
25,00 EUR
Shipping Costs
I want to download this software! Send the invoice via e-mail.
(I accept the legal notes from invers software and understand that I cannot return E-Mail shipped software.)
reg. 10,00 EUR
now 0,00 EUR

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Important Hint:

When we process your order, we will not check whether you already possess an ordered module. If in doubt, please check your purchased modules before:
Mio Calamus.

[ Company closed ]

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