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invers Software

2006-04-29: Calipso 3 lite - the little PDF Importer (en)

Function panel of Calipso 3 lite

Calipso 3 lite As of today even small budget users can import PDF files into Calamus with Calipso 3 lite.

In order to keep versions separated, we have renamed the full version to Calipso 3 PRO (PRO like Professionell). The little PDF Importer Calipso 3 lite offers the same high quality PDF import, but has limited functions.

What are the differences between Calipso 3 PRO and Calipso 3 lite?

Calipso 3 is a purchase module for Calamus SL and is offered in two different versions: PRO (full version) and lite version.

The differences are:

Calipso 3 PRO (full version) Calipso 3 lite
Unlimited numbers of pages can be loaded directly. Only one page per load procedure.
Password protected PDF's can be loaded. -
WYSIWYG vector frames can be switched into editable text frames in order to get better access to the text embedded in the PDF. WYSIWYG vector frames only.
The PDF import parameters can be adjusted and saved. Fixed PDF import parameters.
The module setup can be saved. -

Because Calipso 3 lite requires at least SL2006, this could be the perfect date for you to upgrade to the current Calamus version SL2006 if you still use older Calamus versions. Therefore, we offer Calipso 3 lite bundled with Calamus upgrades at special prices now.

Calipso 3 lite is available. Get it now or try the demo version first.

Order now: Currencies Calculator

Calipso 3 lite (Simple PDF Import)
Rebate bundle: Calamus SL2006 + Calipso 3 lite
Upgrade from SL2003
reg. 108,00 EUR
only 99,00 EUR
Rebate bundle: Calamus SL2006 + Calipso 3 lite (v ) Upgrade from SL2002
reg. 188,00 EUR
only 159,00 EUR
Rebate bundle: Calamus SL2006 + Calipso 3 lite (v ) Upgrade from older SL versions
reg. 218,00 EUR
only 199,00 EUR
Rebate bundle: Calamus SL2006 + Calipso 3 lite (v ) Upgrade from other Calamus versions
reg. 268,00 EUR
only 249,00 EUR
Rebate bundle: Calamus SL2006 + Calipso 3 lite (v ) New order
reg. 768,00 EUR
only 699,00 EUR
Shipping Costs
I want to download this software! Send the invoice via e-mail.
(I accept the legal notes from invers software and understand that I cannot return E-Mail shipped software.)
reg. 10,00 EUR
now 0,00 EUR

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Important Hint:

When we process your order, we will not check whether you already possess an ordered module. If in doubt, please check your purchased modules before:
Mio Calamus.

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